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Top 5 Mistakes in Bathroom Design

Designing a new bathroom is no easy feat. There’s a huge range of choices to be made which can create some difficulty in deciding what you want. It’s easy to get bogged down with information overload and confusing industry jargon. 

This doesn’t have to be the case. The internet is the greatest tool of the century, enabling initial research to be done and allowing you to work out exactly what you want your bathroom to look like and how you want it to function. Let us use our experience to share with you what we think are the top five mistakes most commonly made by bathroom fitters and throughout Hull. 

1.Taking shortcuts with the Installation

In a place where there’s a constant concoction of electricity, water, and slippery surfaces, there’s a lot of hazards that need to be thought about. The bathroom is no exception, and its no wonder that a large amount of household accidents occur in this particular room. 

A poorly installed electricity outlet, badly mounted mirror or any other bathroom maladies can become a risk to yourself and your family, not forgetting to mention that it could end up being incredibly costly in the long run. We’ve heard a long list of horror stories in our time of people attempting the DIY themselves, and although it might cost you a bit more initially to get a professional, a cheap installation can cost a small fortune to put right. Best to get things done properly the first time round. 

2. Size Does Matter

It’s important to know exactly what dimensions you’re working with. Squeezing in a huge unit or an 1800mm bath and leaving very little floor space will make your bathroom look smaller than it really is. 

If you are lacking space, it might be best to go for space-saving sanitary ware that keeps your bathroom feeling stylish without compromising space or comfort. Having said that, if you have an extensive amount of space to work with, go crazy and get creative. Designing a new bathroom is an opportunity that doesn’t come around too often so you might as well make the most of the experience.

3. Skiving on Storage

You can never have too much storage in your bathroom. Playing Jenga with shampoo bottles might sound like a fun prospect, but in reality nobody wants to see that mess when you’re trying to relax in the tub. 

It’s important to think about the storage that you’re going to need when designing your ideal bathroom, from where your hairdryer is kept, to toilet roll storage, and where you’ll be hanging your bath robe. There are many inexpensive storage solutions out there to suit every possible bathroom design from cabinets to shelving and wall hooks.

4. Poor Air Flow

Potentially the worst, but also the most easily preventable problems in the bathroom are related to mould and bad smells. You could argue that the latter is unavoidable, but there are courses of action that can be taken to ensure that this can be minimised. 

Firstly, if you have a window then it’s important to get into the habit of regularly opening them. Ventilation is crucial for the maintaining the health and longevity of your bathroom, and your own health. A blast of fresh air from outside is one of the best things you can do for your bathroom. If however, you don’t have this luxury, there are other options. 

Installing an extraction unit or ceiling fan is an easy method of creating efficient air flow. This is vital to have in your bathroom to aid in limiting the amount of mould build-up as well as ensuring your bathroom maintains an airy and fresh feel.

5. Insufficient Lighting

The right lighting in your bathroom can make all the difference. If you have a large window space that faces into the sun then it won’t be as important as otherwise, but it’s still beneficial for night time. Having poor quality lighting in the bathroom can turn a room that we all love into a place of misery. 

Installing efficient mirrors, as well as ceiling and wall lighting, and potentially even extras such as LED lighting can ensure a safe and functional environment, as well as lift the mood within the bathroom.